IRIS is funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Marie Curie action,
Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP),
grant agreement nº 610986
International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science (ISBCS)
Cognitive Science research is an indispensable part of IRIS. The International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science (ISBCS) will bring together researchers in cognitive science and relevant fields, including Artificial Intelligence, Linguistics, Computer Science, Anthropology, Psychology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, and Education.
The symposium will be held on April 19, 2015 at the Middle East Technical University, Culture & Congress Center (KKM), Ankara, Turkey.
Important dates: |
Seminar on Adapting Communications Tools for People with Special Needs
Target audience: special education professionals, students, families and general public. Free entrance under prior registration / Entrada libre previa inscripción. Fundación CAI-ASC, Centro Joaquín Roncal, San Braulio 5-7, 50003-Zaragoza. More information / Más información ....Web StreamingThe seminar will be accesible by web streaming / La Jornada se retransmitirá vía Internet
You can follow the Seminar through the web streaming of the Joaquín Roncal Center / Podrás seguir el desarrollo de la Jornada vía internet accediendo al streaming del Centro Joaquín Roncal
Streaming Joaquín Roncal |
ISBCS17– 4th International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science Keynote Speakers: Shimon Ullman (MIT & Weizmann Institute), Suresh Manandhar (The University of York) Invited Speakers: JDeniz Yüret (Koç University), Cem Bozsahin (Middle East Technical University - METU), Levent Akin (Bogaziçi University), Michelle Adams (Bilkent University) With 500+ researchers outside the consortium attended the event April 30, 2017 Seminar on Using Eye Movements and Optical Brain Imaging for Understanding Mental Processes June 1, 2017 20 undergraduate and graduate students, and medical doctors at Istanbul University Medical School, Turkey Seminar on Interaction between Language and Vision: ?Findings from Multimodal Comprehension Studies November 3, 2017 20 graduate students and faculty at METU Open Public Seminar on AI Agents and Learning February 16, 2017 With 100+ participants from outside METU, including non-student citizens and professionals Seminar on Using Eye Movements for Understanding Mental Processes February 21, 2017 With 200+ undergraduate and graduate students, academic researchers at Cankaya University, Turkey Science is Fun at METU April 17, 2016 With 1500+ participants from outside METU, including kids, college students, non-student citizens and professionals, as well as undergraduate and graduate students. Open Public Seminar on Trends in Multimodal Communication Technologies February 17, 2016 200+ participants from outside METU, including non-student citizens and professionals ISBCS16– 3rd International Symposium on Brain and Cognitive Science Keynote Speakers: Marcin Milkowski, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Deborah Talmi, The University of Manchester Invited Speakers: Johannes Fahrenfort, VU University Amsterdam, Beyza Sümer, Radboud University & Asli Özyürek, Max Planck Institute of Psycholinguistics, Ilhan Raman, Middlesex University, Erol Sahin, ODTU With 500+ researchers outside the consortium attended the event May 8, 2016 Workshop on Eye Tracking Methodology May 26-29, 2016 Ankara University Medical School, 30+ participants A half-day workshop on experimental methodologies on eye tracking and optical brain imaging |
First International Meeting of ISTAR/ DLS ResearchersKeynote Speaker: Mauricio Bertenitz Jan/16/2017 (M37) Place: ISCTE-IUL Room: Auditorio J.J. Laginha With 80+ participants from the academic community of ISCTE-IUL IRIS Course on High Performance ComputingJuly 5 2017 (M43) As part of a two-presentation IRIS Course jointly with Prof. Ricardo Fonseca of ISCTE who presented ‘A High performance Computing Application, with : With 100+ participants from the academic community of Lisbon. Place: ISCTE-IUL Room: Auditorio J.J. Laginha High Performance Computing at Exascale: Application Requirements and Technology Development Keynote: Mauricio Breternitz, Ph.D. A Highly Scalable High-Performance Computing Application Ricardo Fonseca, Ph.D, Director ISTA-IUL High Performance Computer Architecture March 14th 2017: Around 60 participants from the academic community of Lisbon Place: IST Faculty Lunch, Lisbon IRIS Seminar on Multimodal Egocentric Activity and High Performance Computing. July 10, 2017 as part of a two-presentation (M43) jointly with Prof. Alptekin Temizeof METU (Middle-East Technical University who presented ‘Multimodal Egocentric Activity Recognition) With 20+ participants from the academic community of ISCTE-IUL Place: ISCTE-IUL Room: Auditorio J.J. Laginha First International Meeting of ISTAR/ DLS ResearchersKeynote Speaker: Mauricio Bertenitz Jan/16/2017 (M37) Place: ISCTE-IUL Room: Auditorio J.J. Laginha 80+ participants from the academic community of ISCTE-IUL Iris SeminarAdvanced Computer Architecture for Exascale Computing: The AMD Research View Dr. Gabriel H. Loh Microarchitecture, Computing Systems, High Performance Computing and End-to-End Deep Neural Networks Maurício Bertenitz December, 11 2017 2:30pm – 4:30pm Place: ISCTE-IUL Room: Auditorio J.J. Laginha |
February 20th, 2015 |
Newspaper article in Heraldo de Aragón. "Proyecto Iris, una plataforma europea que abre ventanas para facilitar la comunicación" (Iris Project, an European platform that open doors to facilitate the communication) |