IRIS is funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Marie Curie action,
Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP),
grant agreement nº 610986
Miguel Sales Dias,Sara Candeias, João Freitas
Eduardo Lleida, Alfonso Ortega, Antonio Miguel, Javier Nuño, Paola García, Julia Olcoz, Javier Simón, Jesús Villalba, Diego Castán, Jorge Llombart
UNIZAR contributes with its experience in speech technologies, biometric authentication, human language technologies for people with special needs and development of augmentative and alternative communication tools.Miguel Sales Dias, Ricardo Resende Sara Eloy ,Maurício Breternitz
ISCTE-IUL took the coordination of the project and, within the Digital Living Spaces group, will use of its Large Scale Immersive Virtual Reality lab and its Usability lab, replicating a living room scenario, to conduct usability and user satisfaction evaluation studies.Verónica Orvalho, Xenxo Álvarez
FIM have developed what is arguably the most advanced facial animation software in Europe, and despite its small size are bound to be a relevant player in the animation industry for years to come.Antonio J. S. Teixeira, Samuel Silva
UAVR provides contributions based on its experience in speech studies, including data acquisition and analysis for articulatory characterization of European Portuguese, model based articulatoryCengiz Acartürk, Banu Gunel, Alptekin Temizel
METU contributes with its interdisciplinary experience in human computer interaction, cognitive science, image processing, audio and acoustics.
C.P.E.E Alborada is a public school of special education sited in Zaragoza, Spain, which aims to promote the harmonious development of students in the personal, emotional and social areas, facilitating the acquisition of skills, abilities, knowledge and relevant values for achieving a greater degree of personal, social and professional autonomy and, in general, basic competencies.
José Manuel Marcos, CPEE Alborada, Zaragoza, Spain
David Romero, IES Damian Forment, Alcorisa, Teruel, Spain