IRIS is funded by the European Commission under the FP7 Marie Curie action,
Industry Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP),
grant agreement nº 610986


libro The following table presents the list of all the Deliverables, with their Nature (P, R, S, E, O), the Dissemination Level (PU, PP, RE, CO), the Delivery date and Status.

Deliv. num. Deliverable title Nature Dissemination level Delivery date Real delivery date
Plan for the use and dissemination of foreground. R CO M6 M12
D.1.1 User profile and platform workflow R RE M12 M20
D.1.2 Case scenarios R RE M12 M20
D.2.1 State-of-the-art on multimodal interfaces based on speech, silent speech, gesture and tactile/haptic devices P PU M12 M20
D.8.1 Usability Evaluation on Multimodal Interfaces: State-of-the-Art and Design Guidelines R PU M12 M17
D9.1 Seminar on Software Development E PU M13 M24
D9.2 Seminar on Adapting Communications Tools for People with Special Needs E PU M13 M14
D9.3 Seminar on Presentation Skills E PU M13 M22
D10.2 Progres, Mid Term Review, Periodic and Final reports. R CO M12,M22, M25, M36,M48 M48
D.4.1 State-of-the-art report on modality fusion R PU M18 M20
D.3.1 State-of-the-art on coarticulation models for automatic Visual Speech Synthesis R PU M18 M20
D.5.1 Report with the performance achieve by state-of-the-art voice and multimodal biometrics with elder people and people with speech and physical impairments. R PU M18 M21
D.4.2 Fusion and Interaction Management requirements specification R RE M22 M24
D1.3 Prototype of automatic detection of speech and physical impairments O PU M24 Consortium decided to cancel
D.2.2 Prototype of a multimodal Silent Speech Interface based on Visual Speech Recognition. Electromyography and Ultrasonic Doppler Sensing P PU M24 M41
D.6.1 Platform requirements for indoor scenarios R RE M24 M32
D9.4 Seminar on Project Management E PU M25 Consortium decided to cancel
D9.5 Seminar on Eye Tracking E PU M25 M13
D2.3 Gesture Interface prototype O PU M28 Consortium decided to cancel
D2.4 Tactile/haptic interface prototype O PU M28 Consortium decided to cancel
D.3.2 Integration of pictograms as a communication channel O RE M28 M36 and updated M44
D.3.3 Visual Speech Synthesis solution prototype that includes a novel coarticulation model O RE M28 M39
D.5.2 Prototype of adapted voice and multimodal biometrics for elder people and people with speech and physical disabilities. O PU M28 M30
D.4.3 Modality fusion framework (API) . P PU M32 M32
D7.1 Report on non-invasive objective measures R PU M32 M36
D.8.2 Usability evaluation protocols R PU M32 M32
D.6.2 Platform prototype O PU M36 M39
D.6.3 Dissemination and deployment of the platform E PU M36 M39
D9.6 Course on Parallel Programming on Graphical Processing Units E RE M37 Changed to “Course on Introduction to Machine Learning”, delivered @ M37
D9.7 Seminar Optical Neuroimaging by fNIR E PU M37 Changed to Seminar on “Multimodal Egocentric Activity and High Performance Computing”, delivered @ M43
D9.8 Seminar on Interaction Analysis (Qualitative Conversation Analysis) E PU M37 Changed to “Seminar on Advanced Computer Architecture”, delivered @ M48
D7.2 Quality of Experience (QoE) models P PU M40 Completed and delivered as Master Thesis @ M48
D9.9 Course on Usability Engineering E RE M42 Changed to “Course on High Performance Computing”, delivered @ M43
D.8.3 Overall System Usability Evaluation: results and conclusions P PU M46 M48

Dissemination level: PU = Public, RE = Restricted to a group of the specified Consortium, PP = Restricted to other program participants (including Commission Services), CO= Confidential, only for members of the Consortium (including the Commission Services)
Nature of Deliverable: P= Prototype, R= Report, S= Specification, T= Tool, E= Seminar, O = Other.