Contact Dr. Alfonso Ortega

Alfonso Ortega Giménez
Aragon Institute for Engineering Research
University of Zaragoza
Ada Byron Building, Room 2.05
María de Luna 1
50018 Zaragoza
Tfn: 34-976-762363
Fax: 34-976-762111
Recent News & Updates
- On July 10th, Universidad de Zaragoza and Corporación Radiotelevisión Española - have signed a long term agreement creating “Catedra RTVE de la Universidad de Zaragoza - Chair RTVE in University of Zaragoza” to boost the work on audiovisual content analysis. Eduardo Lleida , head of ViVolab has been appointed director of the Chair
- Next September 23rd, Prof. Lukáš Burget from Brno University of Technology, BUT (Czech Republic) will visit VIVOLAB and give a talk entitled: "Deep Neural Networks in Speaker Recognition: Another Quantum Leap in the Field?" .
- On September 22nd at 12:00, David Martinez will defend his Ph.D. Thesis: Subspace Gaussian Mixture Models for Language Identification and Dysartric Speech Intelligibility Assesment.
- On February 28th, The Seminar on Adapting Communications Tools for People with Special Needs will take place
in Zaragoza. From 9:00 to 14:00 and from 16:30 to 19:00 in Fundacion CAI-ASC, Centro Joaquín Roncal, San Braulio 5-7.
For more information visit: Iris Interaction
Zaragoza Seminar . Web streaming will be available:
Seminar Video Streaming
- On December 17th at 12:00 , Diego Castan will defend his Ph.D. Thesis: Advances on Audio Segmentation and Audio
Content Description for Multimedia Documents.
- On November 27th at 11:00 , Jesus Villalba will defend his Ph.D. Thesis: Advances on Speaker Recognition in non
Collaborative Environments.
- Next June 5th at 10:00 AM, Ada Byron Building (Class A.04)
Prof. Michela Goffredo from Biomedical Engineering
Laboratory BioLab3, Roma Tre University, will visit VIVOLAB and give a talk entitled: "The Markerless Human Motion Analysis
in Bioegineering, Biometrics and NUI"
- Next May 28th, Prof. Richard Stern from Carnegie Mellon
University and Prof. Chin-Hui Lee from Georgia Institute of
Technology will visit VIVOLAB.
- On May 29th at 12:00 , Leibny
Paola García will defend her
Ph.D. Thesis: Discriminative Methods for model optimization in Speaker Verification. Salón de Actos, Ada Byron Buiding.
Campus Río Ebro. Zaragoza.